About Us


Arab American War Veterans

This website is a volunteer effort to help document the service of Arab Americans in the various branches of the U.S. Military.

We are proud of what we have achieved contributed to America and believe that we need to provide more information to counter the negative and inaccurate information that is published about us in the mainstream American news media and that often becomes the fodder for political campaigns.

You can help if you are Arab American and served or are serving in the U.S. military by sharing your story and photos so Americans can see an accurate portrait of our patriotism.

This website is also being launched as an effort to showcase Arab Heritage during the annual national Arab American Heritage Month which is celebrated in April.

Thank You

Ray Hanania

Veteran U.S. Air Force (1973-1975) Vietnam Era Service
Veteran, Illinois Air National Guard, Peoria (1975-1987)
Sgt., Honorable Discharge

Email Ray at [email protected]

We want to include your profiles and photos of your military service.